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Fall Meeting 1939

October, 1939

What is Essential in the Christian Religion?


Galen M. Fisher, 1873-1955 (PSR)
What is essential in the Christian religion? Hinduism, Buddhism and the Christian religion compared. (pdf)

Randolph Crump Miller, 1910-2002 (CDSP, obituary, books)
What is essential in the Christian religion? the Jesus of history and the church. (pdf)

James Muilenburg, 1896-1974 (PSR, Essays in Honor of)
What is essential in the Christian religion? Hebraism, Judaism, and Christianity. (pdf)

Elton Trueblood, 1900-1994 (Stanford, wikipedia, bio, books)
What is essential in the Christian religion? Christianity as idea and as event. (pdf)

Aaron J. Ungersma, 1905-2000 (SFTS, books)
What is essential in the Christian religion? Is Protestantism a positive principle. (pdf)