The Pacific Coast Theological Society Journal
How the Journal Works:
This is a web-site such theological papers
as may come to the attention of the Society
outside of the normal cycle of meetings.
Papers are posted in the order received,
after reviewing and any necessary editing;
beyond year grouping, the list is not
organized into issues as paper journals are.
For Authors (format):
Papers will be posted in HTML;
they may be submitted in any format,
but some formats
take MUCH longer than others to decipher.
The editor does not have MS-Word or Wordperfect,
and so must resort to extraordinary means to deal with them.
Plain text is preferred; the editor will add html tags.
Ideally, Paragraphs should be numbered for the sake of ease of citation.
For Authors (legal):
Authors warrant that they have the right to publish
the full contents of submitted papers
(i.e., there is no plagiarism;
and copyright permissions, if necessary, have been obtained).
Authors assume full liability,
and hold
the journal,
its owner,
the webmaster,
the editors,
the Pacific Coast Theological Society,
the Society's internet service provider,
and the Graduate Theological Union
harmless and free of blame in the event of litigation.
Authors grant permission to the Journal to post
submitted papers in perpetuity;
i.e., papers will not later be ``un-published.''
For Referees:
Guidelines are available if necessary,
from the editor
Editor and webmaster: Andrew Porter,
Editorial assistance: members of the society.
Papers, in Chronological Order