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Spring Meeting 2013

April 5-6, 2013

Eternity and Eternal Life

Classroom B at Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP), Berkeley, California



Friday, Apr 5
1:30-2pm - Arrival and Registration
2-5 pm - Paper Session - Eternity
5-7 pm - Business Meeting, Social Time, Dinner (Cost for Dinner = $25, RSVP)
7-8:30 pm - Public Lecture, Sharon Burch
"Not Your Father's Oldsmobile: Framing Questions, Facilitating Change"
Saturday, Apr 6
9–9:30 am - Continental Breakfast
9:30 am-noon - Paper Session - Eternal Life


The discussion of Friday's theme on Eternity occurs in the context of two recently published books by the presenters, which attendees may wish to purchase:

  • Robert Russell Time in Eternity: Physics, Eschatology and Pannenberg in Creative Mutual Interaction, University of Notre Dame, 2012 (Amazon Link) (publisher web page for book)
  • Michael Dodds, Unlocking Divine Action: Contemporary Science and Thomas Aquinas, Catholic University Press of America, 2013. (Amazon Link) (publisher web page for the book)

  • Paper Session - Eternity - Friday, April 5, 2-5 pm

    Time in Eternity (2-3:15pm)

    Discussion on Robert Russell's Time in Eternity For a short overview of Russell's talk, see this pdf. The introductory section of the book is available at publisher excerpt (pdf).

    Ted Peters, PLTS, respondent (10 mins)
    Open Discussion (50 mins)
    Robert J, Russell, GTU/CTNS (10 mins)

    More Time in Eternity (3:30-4:45pm)

    Continued discussion of Robert Russell's Time in Eternity, though Michael Dodds, O.P., paper "THE MOTION OF TIME AND THE ETERNITY OF GOD: Reflections on Robert John Russell's Time in Eternity" (doc, pdf)

    Anslem Ramelo, O.P., DSPT, respondent (10 mins)
    Open Discussion (50 mins)
    Michael Dodds, O.P., DSPT (10 mins)

    Public Lecture - Friday, 7-8:30 pm

    Sharon Burch - "Not Your Father's Oldsmobile: Framing Questions, Facilitating Change"

    Tillich’s method of correlation roots his ideas in the contemporary existential situation of his day. He defined the task of systematic theology as providing Christian answers to questions that arise in light of accepted political, ethical, artistic, philosophical, and theological practices. What is the (or are) the major challenge(s) that face religion, culture, and theology in the twenty-first century? How does the method of correlation apply to those challenges (or that challenge)? In what ways is systematic theology providing a Christian response? Is it effective?

    Paper Session - Eternal Life - Saturday, April 6, 9:30 am-noon

    Immortality or Abundance: A Stem Cell Conundrum (9:30-10:45)

    Lisa Fullam, JST, respondent (10 mins)
    Open Discussion (50 mins)
    Karen Lebacqz, PSR (10 mins)
        "Immortality or Abundance: a Stem Cell Conundrum" (doc, pdf)

    Is There Eternity in Eternal Life? (10:45-12:00)

    TBD, respondent (10 mins)
    Open Discussion (50 mins)
    Herman Waetjen, SFTS Emeritus (10 mins)
        "Time and everlasting life in the Gospel according to John: An alternative to Nicaea’s doctrine of the Trinity" (doc, pdf)