4 Pacific Coast Theological Society

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(2011 Spring Meeting)

The Spring Meeting will be Friday and Saturday, April 29-30, 2011

Maps of the CDSP area in the GTU, where the meeting will occur.

Friday, we begin at 2:00 pm, with business meeting, preprandials, dinner starting at 5:00 pm; free public lecture after dinner by Margaret Race at 7:00 pm.

Saturday we begin at 9:30 with continental breakfast and discussion at 10:00, ending at noon.

The Order of the Meeting:

The order of papers is not yet settled, nor all the respondents. What follows is a very preliminary sketch of the meeting.

Carol Robb (SFTS/GTU), ``Wind, Sun, Soil, Spirit: The Use of Scripture in Environmental Ethics'';

Mary Ashley (GTU), ``Kin-dom Come: Extending Margaret A. Farley's `Just Love' to All Living Beings'';

Marilyn Matevia (GTU), ``Breaking the Contract: THinking Differently about Justice for Animals'';

Dan Smith (GTU), ``How Green is Christianity? Making the Case for a Christian Ecological Theology.''

At 7 p.m. Margaret Race will deliver a free public lecture in the Tucson Room, on Environmental Ethics on Earth and Elsewhere in Our Universe.

On Saturday, a continental breakfast will be available at 9:30 a.m. in the Tucson Room at CDSP.

We will adjourn probably at noon. We hope to see you there!

Continuing matters:

The PCTS Endowment at the GTU: .doc, .pdf .

Contribution and Pledge form:

.doc, .pdf .

Location and particulars:

General information

Program Notes

A map of CDSP, showing the Tucson Common Room, where we met. More CDSP maps.

Meeting info is also here, at the PCTS wiki.

The PCTS Endowment at the GTU: .doc, .pdf .

Contribution and Pledge form: .doc, .pdf .

Proposal for revisioning the Society: .pdf, .doc.


Future Meeting Dates

The meeting dates are NORMALLY the Friday and Saturday after Western Easter and the first Friday and Saturday in November. We would prefer not to deviate from the rule, but did for the Fall 2009 meeting, because it coincides with the national AAR meeting. The date for it was moved to October 23-24.

Here are the NORMAL dates:

year    Easter date             PCTS Spring             PCTS Fall 
2008       3-23                 March 28-29             November 7-8
2009       4-12                 April 17-18             October  23-24  EARLY
2010       4-4                  April  9-10             November 5-6
2011       4-24                 April 29-30             November 4-5
2012       4-8                  April 13-14             November 2-3
2013       3-31                 April  5-6              November 1-2

As of 2010-06-28, the AAR and SBL will be meeting jointly again in and after 2011, the weekend before Thanksgiving, and so the PCTS will presumably be meeting the first Friday and Saturday in November.

AAR/SBL meetings for the next three years are (2011) November 19-22, San Francisco; (2012) November 17-20, Chicago; (2013) November 23-26, Baltimore.

How to calculate Easter and PCTS meeting dates.


Contact Information

Correspondence address of truly last resort (mail will wait to be picked up):

Pacific Coast Theological Society,
c/o Graduate Theological Union,
2400 Ridge Road, Berkeley, CA 94709

The Secretary is Ted Peters, [tpeters2ct -at- aol -dot- com]
The Treasurer is Sharon P. Burch, [spburch -at- rcn -dot- com].

Email to [info -at- pcts -dot- org] presently forwards to Andrew Porter; hopefully, it will soon forward to others on the executive committee also.

Andrew Porter is the maintainer of this web page for the time being, though that is changing.
He can be reached by email at [app -at- jedp -dot- com].
774 Joyce Street
Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 443-4041
Email doesn't always make it through the spam filter, alas; the GTU may or may not know what to do with mail for the PCTS, and the secretary may or may not remember to pick up the mail. Telephone is often best.

This page is hosted by The Diamond Lane, in Hayward, CA, www.tdl.com.


Past Programs
PCTS Journal

Endowment Pledge Form